[23062014] #Team H/ #JKS Ameblo
Link del post original: http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk/entry-11882966449.html
El teaser de 'Lloviendo en la pista de baile' ha sido revelado.
El tercer álbum "Conduciendo en la carretera' de TEAM H saldrá a la venta el 16 de julio (miércoles) de 2014
Trad ingles: jangkeunsukforever.com
Trad español: #TeamHVzla.
‘Raining on the dance floor’ teaser has been released
TEAM H 3rd Album ‘Driving to the highway’ will be released on July 16th (Wed), 2014
El tercer álbum "Conduciendo en la carretera' de TEAM H saldrá a la venta el 16 de julio (miércoles) de 2014
Trad ingles: jangkeunsukforever.com
Trad español: #TeamHVzla.
‘Raining on the dance floor’ teaser has been released
TEAM H 3rd Album ‘Driving to the highway’ will be released on July 16th (Wed), 2014

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